Holy Cross Academy Uniforms - Questions and Answers
1. What items must I purchase from Just Me Apparel and what items may be purchased elsewhere?
For items that must be purchased from Just Me Apparel please see the Uniform Requirements sheet. However, other uniform items may be purchased at other retail stores.
2. Is there a summer and winter uniform?
Yes. During the summer uniform season uniform shorts may be worn. During the winter season shorts are not allowed, even on "dress out" days.
3. Is there a P.E. uniform?
Yes, please see the Uniform Requirements sheet for specifics.
4. Does Just Me Apparel require payment all at once?
50% of the purchase price is due at the time of fitting. However, families need not purchase all items at one time. After the scheduled fitting date, which usually takes place in spring, other uniform items may be purchased at the Just Me Apparel retail store or online at wwww.justmeapparel.com.
5. Is there a uniform shoe?
No, tennis shoes or athletic shoes are acceptable. The only stipulation would be that shoes do not damage the surface of the gym floor for assemblies, P.E. classes, or indoor recess.
6. Why white polo shirts with the Holy Cross Academy logo for boys in grades K-8 and only girls in grades 5-8?
On certain special days (all Academy liturgies, etc.) students at these grade levels must wear the white polo shirt with the Academy logo. For girls in grades K-4 the uniform jumper would cover the logo.
7. Where can I get the Holy Cross Academy logo for the white polo shirt other than Just Me Apparel?
The initial Design in Webster Groves has the correct Holy Cross Academy logo.
8. May the girls wear headbands?
Yes, and they may be of any color as long as these headbands are not a distraction in the classroom.
9. Is there a special shirt for eighth graders?
Yes, the color of the shirt varies every year, as does the graduation date that's placed on the back of the shirt. They're purchased from Lipic's Engagement. Order information is sent home with your student before the beginning of his/her eighth-grade year.