Recent Academy Updates 

Third grade created their own magnetic field experiments with simple materials. Using magnets, paper clips, and string, they discovered the invisible forces that make everyday objects attract and repel!


Watching our little learners explore their world through hands-on activities! 🎨❄️ From arctic habitat building and letter practice to sensory play with snow, our Early Childhood students are developing fine motor skills and creativity while having fun.

Our Primary Campus students practiced essential math skills with hands-on money counting, enjoyed practicing lecturing at mass, and crafted beautiful crowns while learning about the Three Wise Men.

Pajama day!

Grinch Day at the Primary Campus 💚
Happy St. Nicolas Day🎅
Today our Primary Campus had a visit from St. Nick on his sled!
Our Early Childhood students have been busy learning about Advent and Christmas, exercising, the Mass, the alphabet, and so much more😀
Art projects, science experiments, volunteering, & hands on electives give our students the opportunity to grow in their education & development of the whole person, while keeping Christ in the center of everything they do.
Keep up the good work, Middle School!
Lots of smiles from our Intermediate Campus!😃
We are so thankful for our HCA community. Happy Thanksgiving🦃💛
Alien Project👽
The 1st graders drew aliens and the 8th graders made them come to life. The reveal was today and it was so much fun!


Gala 2024
It's Halloween at HCA!
From class activities, to Trunk or Treat, to classroom parties - all of our students and staff are in the spooky spirit🎃👻🍬

Donuts with Dad!
Here’s what’s happening in 4th grade!
Today in science class, the students conducted a volcano experiment🌋
Students had to ask questions, write a hypothesis, write about what they observed, and then draw a conclusion. The students loved this hands-on learning experience!
Early Childhood Campus Highlight✨
First quarter was a success for our tiniest students!
Learning-by-doing has helped our students stimulate intellectual, social, emotional and physical development, while keeping Christ at the center of each day. Keep up the good work, Early Childhood Campus!
Intermediate Campus Highlight!
To celebrate the end of a great first quarter the third grade classrooms were transformed into haunted classrooms! The students completed Halloween themed Math challenges, used reading skills to solve a Halloween detective case, wrote some spooky stories, and did a witches brew Science experiment. It was a fun and spooky day of learning! 🎃

Trunk or Treat- Saturday, October 19th at the Early Childhood Campus. See the link for more information. 

Trunk or Treat Sign Up


After School Spanish Program Sign Up

When your awesome eighth grade science teacher has you make polymers in the lab, and then go outside to let them fly! We love seeing our students have fun while learning!
Farm to Table Elective - Making Grape Juice🍇
Last week, Farm to Table explored grapes and researched how to make grape juice. This week, they put our research to the test! Grapes were washed, mashed and then simmered on the stove before we mashed some more. The grapes returned to the stove for 5 more minutes and then they strained the grapes in a mesh sieve. Some students enjoyed their juice and others did not!
The 4th grade classes had their bible's blessed at mass this morning.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ” -Matthew 19:14
God bless the 4th graders!

The Early Childhood Campus celebrated their wonderful Moms last week! Each mom was given a wooden cross created by their child to hang in their home. Moms and students enjoyed activities in each classroom. It was a wonderful celebration!❤

We’re still thinking about how amazing our All Academy Mass was! The sense of community and love for God showed as the entire Academy was together in one place to celebrate the Exaltation of the Cross 💙💛